Category: Fiction Anthologies

In aller Kürze (German Edition) by Kario Kariologiker,Conrad Cortin,Mark Galsworthy,Morgana

By Kario Kariologiker,Conrad Cortin,Mark Galsworthy,Morgana Freundt

Die drei Autoren, deren Texte in diesem Buch vereint sind, entdeckten neben den drei bekannten, sozusagen drei verwunschene Zugänge zur Wirklichkeit.
Der eine aus Köln hört auf die Nebengeräusche, wie auf die Morsezeichen die Eier beim Kochen abzugeben scheinen.
Der andere aus München schafft eine mögliche Wirklichkeit und überlässt der Fantasie wie die Wirklichkeit in Wirklichkeit ausgesehen haben mag.
Der dritte aus Berlin ist gekennzeichnet durch einen Satz wie: Der Autor aber ist ein Meister darin Verborgenes aufzudecken. Seien es nun Absurditäten oder potentielle Freuden.

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Eight Ghosts: The English Heritage Book of New Ghost Stories by Jeanette Winterson,Sarah Perry,Max Porter,Mark Haddon,Andrew

By Jeanette Winterson,Sarah Perry,Max Porter,Mark Haddon,Andrew Michael Hurley,Stuart Evers,Kamila Shamsie,Kate Clanchy

Rooted in position, slipping among worlds - a wealthy selection of unnerving ghosts and sinister histories.

8 authors got after hours freedom at their selected English historical past website. Immersed within the heritage, surroundings and rumours of hauntings, they channelled their darker imaginings right into a sequence of impressive new ghost tales.

Sarah Perry's severe story of ownership on the Jacobean kingdom condominium Audley finish is a piece of mental terror, whereas Andrew Michael Hurley's tale brings an unforgettably surprising slant to the historical past of Carlisle fort. in the partitions of those historical structures every one writer has came across notion to bring a brand new interpretation of the vintage ghost tale.

savor the imagined terrors at those exhilarating destinations:

Kate Clanchy, Housesteads Roman citadel
Stuart Evers, Dover citadel
Mark Haddon, York chilly warfare Bunker
Andrew Michael Hurley, Carlisle fort
Sarah Perry, Audley finish
Max Porter Eltham Palace
Kamila Shamsie, Kenilworth citadel
Jeanette Winterson, Pendennis Castle

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Nightmare's Realm: New Tales of the Weird and Fantastic by S. T. Joshi,Caitlín R. Kiernan,John Shirley,Ramsey

By S. T. Joshi,Caitlín R. Kiernan,John Shirley,Ramsey Campbell,Gemma Files,Reggie Oliver,Simon Strantzas,W. H. Pugmire,Steve Rasnic Tem,Jason V Brock

desires and nightmares—what Ambrose Bierce referred to as “visions of the night”—are the foundation of a few of the best bizarre fiction in literary historical past. The unruly pictures that torment us in sleep are typically dispelled through the arriving of day—but can they be brushed aside so simply? Do nightmares have a few impalpable truth that may have an effect on our day-by-day lives, the lives of these round us, and maybe the very cloth of the universe?

This quantity includes seventeen unique tales by means of a number of the prime modern writers of peculiar fiction. every one story probes the relation of nightmares to the genuine global, and to the human brain, in ways in which are baffling, interesting, terrifying, and poignant. Are we dreaming or are we conscious? Can desires achieve a type of quasi-reality and impact the workings of the genuine international? Can know-how increase or perhaps create a dream-realm?

All all-star solid has contributed tales lengthy and brief … David Barker … Jason V Brock … Ramsey Campbell … Gemma documents … Richard Gavin … Caitlín R. Kiernan … Nancy Kilpatrick … John Langan … Reggie Oliver … W. H. Pugmire … Darrell Schweitzer … John Shirley … Simon Strantzas … Steve Rasnic Tem … Jonathan Thomas … Donald Tyson … Stephen Woodworth … the amount is edited by way of S. T. Joshi, a number one critic and anthologist of peculiar fiction.

Who can say that the nightmare is basically a wisp of fancy engendered through our personal minds? in the end, it was once Edgar Allan Poe who acknowledged: “All that we see or appear is yet a dream inside of a dream.”

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Best Bondage Erotica 2013 by Rachel Kramer Bussel

By Rachel Kramer Bussel

a few say bondage is the last word intimacy. after you have allowed your self to completely discover your fantasies of giving in and surrendering to excitement, you'll locate you would like a company yet light hand to steer you. ? permit most sensible Bondage Erotica 2013 be your guidebook of every little thing BDSM. Editrix Rachel Kramer Bussel and her writers placed all of it out at the web page in tales utilizing every thing from silk ties rope to glossy cuffs, blindfolds, wires and every little thing you could think and extra. most sensible Bondage Erotica 2013 bargains erotic perception for newcomers and skilled avid gamers alike. those tales of forbidden wants and sexual fantasies, penned through the “masters and mistresses” of the style, will surprise, scintillate, and mesmerize

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La incredibile e triste storia della candida Eréndira e by Gabriel García Márquez,Ilide Carmignani

By Gabriel García Márquez,Ilide Carmignani

Un paese arido e spopolato, bagnato da un mare crudele che lo ricopre di "pattume", improvvisamente pervaso da un insopprimibile odore di rose. Il cadavere di un annegato, dalle dimensioni sovrumane e dalla bellezza travolgente, che, approdato sulla spiaggia di un minuscolo villaggio caraibico, ne sconvolge in step with un attimo los angeles lenta vita.
Le straordinarie creazioni di Babilano, ciarlatano e inventore, indovino e taumaturgo, mago e artista. Queste, con altre, le fantastiche immagini ispiratrici dei sette racconti-fiaba che testimoniano los angeles stagione più consapevole e felice di Márquez.

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Radfahren schön trinken: 22 Geschichten rund um den by Vanessa Wieser,Markus Köhle

By Vanessa Wieser,Markus Köhle

22 Geschichten übers Radfahren, die Sie das Lachen und Fürchten lehren.

Mit praktischen Tipps und allem Drum und Dran, und Fotos! Jo, wir san mit'm Radl do!

Die Reihe "Schön trinken" geht weiter! Im Frühling wird der Drahtesel geölt und aufgeputzt, und genau der steht hier im Mittelpunkt.

22 originelle Geschichten erzählen von
- kuriosen Erlebnissen mit dem Fahrrad
- Anekdoten aus der Kindheit
- Rauschgeschichten aus der Gegenwart
- Jubelgeschichten, geboren aus der puren Lust am Fahrradfahren
- Auch Praktisches kommt nicht zu kurz: Ein Fahrradkurier berichtet aus dem Berufsalltag, ein Fahrradnerd
schwärmt von seiner Fahrradsammlung, ein Leidgeprüfter trauert um 7 gestohlene Fahrräder ...
- Dazu noch tips zum Reifenwechseln, Reparaturvorschläge und Tipps für den Fahrradkauf
- Top-Ten-Listen mit den besten Fahrradfilmen, -büchern und -songs

Beiträge von: Stefan Abermann, Nadja Bucher, Nora Gomringer, Manfred Gram, Tex Rubinowitz, Magnus Klaue,
Martin Mandler, Dominika Meindl, Klaus Nüchtern, Andi Plammer, Christoph Simon u. v. m.

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Il collezionista di conchiglie (Italian Edition) by Anthony Doerr

By Anthony Doerr

«Raccogliere conchiglie - ciascuna uno stupore - conoscerne i nomi, lasciarle cadere nel secchiello: di questo period piena los angeles sua vita, di questo traboccava. Certe mattine, muovendosi in line with l. a. laguna, provava l'impulso quasi irresistibile di inchinarsi.» Queste sono otto storie fuori dagli schemi, permeate da un velo di magia e tuttavia profondamente ancorate all'umanità, molto reale, dei personaggi che le abitano. Otto storie che danno forma a una mappatura precisa e avvincente dei diversi paesaggi del mondo e dell'anima, all'interno dei quali le emozioni più severe - il lutto, l. a. perdita, los angeles metamorfosi, l'amore - trovano un'eco nella natura. In queste pagine si allargano fulgide barriere coralline abitate da molluschi velenosi, distant distese africane di erica gigante, selvagge brughiere argentee silenziose, foreste innevate in motionless attesa del disgelo. E lì, adagiate su un implacabile fondale, si dispiegano alcune memorabili vicende umane. Come quella di un cacciatore del Montana costretto a confrontarsi con los angeles «sensibilità acuta e forestiera» della moglie nei confronti degli animali, o quella, luminosa, di Joseph Saleeby, ladruncolo e perdigiorno, in fuga dalle violenze inaudite della guerra civile liberiana, che in terra d'Oregon vorrebbe trovare redenzione e un luogo da poter chiamare casa. Prima dello straordinario successo di Tutta l. a. luce che non vediamo, che lo ha visto trionfare sulla narrativa contemporanea americana degli ultimi anni, Anthony Doerr compose queste eccentriche end up d'autore, in cui ritroviamo il talento di una scrittura lirica e commossa di fronte al mistero dell'esistenza.

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Spuren im Schnee: Geschichten zur Weihnachtszeit (German by Doris Bewernitz

By Doris Bewernitz

used to be ist das schönste Geschenk der Welt? Wozu braucht eine Maus einen Adventskranz? was once ist eine Weihnachtsgurke? Und wem gehört eigntlich Weihnachten?
Doris Bewernitz erzählt 24 realistisch-märchenhafte, komisch-traurige und anrührende Geschichten rund um Weihnachten, auf dass dem, der sie liest, das Herz hot werde. Eine perfekte Einstimmung auf die besinnlichen Tage!

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